These miracle supplement stories are based on actual research of the benefits of substances in natural foods. There’s just one catch: The individual substances are not nearly as good as the whole food and may even be harmful in therapeutic doses. So eat your carrots; don’t take Vitamin A. Eat your nuts and seeds with the germ; don’t take Vitamin E. We believe that most people are better off with a healthy diet than taking supplements. But there are exceptions, and we’ll deal with them individually.
Vitamin D3, the Sunshine Vitamin – Will It Cure What Ails You?
Reading Vitamin K2 And The Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life, we discovered that K2 works in tandem with Vitamin D3. (We highly recommend this book.) So we started supplementing with D3 as well. But we really didn’t … Continue reading →
Vitamin K2 the Calcium Traffic Cop
You may never have heard of Vitamin K2, but it’s one nutrient which could make a great deal of difference in your life. Unfortunately, most of us don’t get enough Vitamin K2 because dairy products no longer come from contented … Continue reading →